Hey, friend with an impactful book in your heart

Feeling daunted by imposter syndrome, decision fatigue and navigating all the unknowns?

I’m here to help you publish your book—integrating it with your greater calling along the way.

I’m Emily! This is where your authentic story becomes an inspiring legacy!

I help Christian entrepreneurs and ministry leaders write and self-publish a non-fiction book... so you can make an impact with your message.

It Begins With A Passion

Did you always dream of writing a book one day? Or do you feel God inspired the book on your heart so you could share a story or message of hope?

I was the introverted teen sprawled on my bed scribbling notes in binders of story plots, character sketches and scene excerpts when others were playing sports or hanging out with friends.

For decades, it was no secret that I was enthralled by books and authors. Aspiring authors often came to me to spill their book-related dreams, struggles and feedback requests.

Writing and releasing my debut book, Dare to Decide opened my eyes to the challenges, mistakes and adventures of navigating the publishing industry. This set me on a path of learning strategies that work for independent authors and entrepreneurs today.

In the meantime, readers of Dare to Decide were sending me delightful messages about their breakthroughs! While some took massive steps towards dreams and new careers, others finished writing their books. As they shared their progress with me, I saw them floundering with the publishing process. I recognized the common mistakes and confusion that often resulted in losing motivation to complete publishing their book.

As a result, I began expanding my client focus from life purpose coaching to help independent authors strategize the quality and positioning of their book for greater impact and sales. It’s been an adventure of passion, helping some of my favorite people—coaches, counsellors, entrepreneurs, leaders impacting lives through a book.

I’d love nothing more than to be part of your inspiring book journey!

Am I The Best Coach For You?

My Heart

No experience is wasted. That’s the resolve I’ve had as I’ve worked through healing and fears and followed my curiosity. This exploration led me to life and leadership coaching, writing and publishing books and journals, and connecting with authors.

After 15+ years of leading church groups, streamlining processes and strategies in ministry, and coaching clients in their purpose, one thing is clear: I have a knack for helping clients find congruence between their inner life, their calling and their creative work.

I hold a soft spot for individuals standing at a crossroads, exploring questions about their long-held beliefs about God and themselves and their values, or struggling with decision fatigue.

my mission

Your Book is More Than a Book

My mission is what it has always been: to help changemakers shift from scattered to calmly focused, and be authentically themselves, as they make their unique impact

…because I believe each of us has a part to play in bringing hope and healing to a chaotic, broken world.

You can’t focus on touching lives with your story, gifts and message if your book doesn’t connect with who it’s meant for or you’re spinning your wheels in the publishing process.

Let’s shape and position your book into a masterpiece that your ideal readers will be eager to read and recommend.

Write Your Legacy

Where are you with your book dream? I’d love to help you make progress with this calling on your heart. Choose the step you’re ready for:

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