pastor, coach, author & social justice advocate
Ginette Armoogan
Emily was highly organized, knowledgeable, motivating, and understanding of my goals and timeline.
Within 5 months, I went from a raw manuscript to a published book. I’ve gained confidence in finishing a writing project and am eager to start my next one! I highly recommend Emily to anyone who wants to publish their writing, but is unsure of what to do and needs help in navigating the publishing process.
author of "The Worry/Free Challenge"
Val DeVries
I didn’t realize that publishing a book involved so many steps! It was overwhelming at times, but Emily provided a template that made the whole process more easily attainable. Emily also gave me clear direction at the stages where I was unsure or unmotivated.
I appreciate that Emily’s approach allowed me to do the things that was I was able or felt excited to do, but she also provided options for support in the areas that I lacked skill or desire. Emily consistently spoke into my journey, inspiring me to carry on until the book in my heart was a book in my hands.
I highly recommend Emily as an Author Coach.

mom, pastor's wife, nurse, songwriter
Melanie Tuffor
I am a busy mom, pastor’s wife and nurse, who had a dream to write songs and record an album one day. The dream was buried deep in my heart for years. It was Emily that first helped me acknowledge my “God-sized dream” out loud. With her gentle, straight forward approach, I was able to start setting specific, achievable goals. Within 3 months, I wrote (and actually finished!) 3 original songs. The biggest shift and greatest take-away for me was believing that I had something of value to offer and that my gift was worth sharing.
One year later, riding on the momentum from Emily’s coaching, I am still writing songs and plan to record an EP this year.
business owner | President & Founder of GrowthFinder Pro
Margaret Fleming

mom & owner of theconfidentmama.com
Krysti Beckett
business owner | encourager | grandma
Gisele Kernahan
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